Monday, 21 April 2014

Home Charm - Little Turquoise Vignettes

When I'm contemplating decorating in my house, there are two things I seem to gratification towards. The color turquoise and small vignettes. If I can find a way to meld both things together than so much the better. 

When I was figuring out this corner of my living room, I knew I wanted to have some of my favorite items on the top of my bookcase as well as have it display some useful items. This can be a hard mix but the result is somewhere I love. 

Here's some tips for decorating small corners of your house:
- Figure out color: Do you want it to be of one similar color like I did or complementary colors? Is it themed (like jungle or cowboy) so that you can you can use colors within that theme? Are you going with a total mishmash or sticking with pastels or brights or red tones? 
     I find color the easiest place to start since then you can build off that. If you're not sure about colors, collect some items you'd like to include and see if they are matching in some color way. 

-Gather items: When gathering items think about how you want the space used. Is it entirely for display? If so then maybe you don't care if the items are functional, you'd like things to look fun and pretty. If it's functional then mix in a few fun items anyways like I did with the globe and clock. 
-Arrange and Don't forget ART: Take a few days to figure out the arrangement. Don't be afraid to scrap a certain item or move the items around. In small areas sometimes less is more but other times the overcdowded look is exactly what you're going for-you won't be able to know until you have the items together. 
      Art is my favorite thing to put up and I am extremely blessed to have an artist for a sister. Most of the art in my house is from her. Art can match your color theme subtly and tie everything together. 

What little corners of your house are your favorite?

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